Best Business ideas for 2023/2024

In Countries like Nigeria,where most of the citizens or individuals are poor,lot of people suffering mostly in the rural region of the country and some places in the urban too,yet, nothing has been done about its, though some of the government officials tried their best in some states in the country.More and more individuals are born each day and lot also die due to poverty,insecurity and more. In the northern part of the country,most of the immigrants live okay,even though there are still some that need help. But there is hope,but first, what can be done to solve this issues? Citizens of the nation should be aware of the important of owning a business of their own.The question now is,how can these information be spread? There are different means for the transmission of informations,which are

.1.The media:

Informations are been transmit from different occasions through the media now,like the newspapers, television and radio channel use if the social media which these can be a means of transferring information across the nation and more. Now,some may ask,what business idea is best for me? How can I start my own business with no capital or little capital? Can one really make legit money online with out getting involved into scamming people of their hard earn money? Let start with answering the first question which is,what business idea to start with?Let assume that one want to start up a business with just his or her phone maybe as a housewife,maid and more,is it really possible to get started with just a smartphone? Yes,Lot of money is in the internet in our world today and knowing this,let move into the different business ideas, you can start and earning from it with just your smartphone either with a capital or no capital.Below are the following business ideas which you can start with your phone: 

 .1. Dropshipping: Now the question will be what is dropshipping? dropshipping allows individuals to make money through other people's products through owning an online store where people can go to check products you sell. 

 .2. Affiliate marketing: Most of us must have heard about affiliate marketing before but maybe, thinks that is a scam or don't know anything about is an example if affiliate marketing,let say,you know someone that sells maybe cloth,but, you don't sell cloth,now, affiliate simply means, working with that person or meeting the person that sells them,and take an agreement that you will bring someone or customers that want that particular cloth but he or she that owns the cloth for sells,will give you a commission from each sales made from any of your referral.Hope you you get it now? 

 .3.Copywriting: what is copywriting?Who is a Copywriter? Now, Copywriting is the act of writing persuasive write up for the purpose of marketing while giving valuable information to the public or your customers. 

.4. Facebook ads:This has help lot of people make money or living from it.facebook advertising,can be done by individuals who learnt how to do this and they use them to make money online with their phones. 

.5 Owning a blog: Blogging has become one of the biggest means to make money online either with your phone or laptop.if you love writing, you can start up a blogging business and focus on a nitch or topic,as long you solve people problem. 

6. Social media marketing:You can start using your social media platforms to make money by giving out valuable information to either build up a business online or audience. Before we continue, for those who don't know me,am a content creator, influencer,digital marketer, Copywriter and a recruiter.I help business owners and brands gain more visibility through creating engaging content for them. If you would love to get more of my content about business ideas,Join my email list below 👇 by droping your contact info below 

Now let continue,the last one which you can do with your phone and start earning money online is: .

7. Content marketing or Creation:You can start creating content/valuable information through video, image or writing.This is where the comedians, influencers fall in.


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