10 legit ways to make money online Making money online today has be proven possible by most individuals all over the world today. The internet is a good place to make legit money online today, with just your smartphone from the comfort of your home or office. Many students, especially, believe that making legit money online with their smartphone is impossible without putting hands in fraud or scamming others. But this is a big lie. Many youths, entrepreneurs and personals, use their smartphone as a source of earning from the internet today. The following below are different means you can make money online(legit business models) with just your smartphone today: . Affiliate marketing . Network marketing . Dropshipping . Social media marketing . Copywriting . Influencer marketing . Content writing . Blogging . Content marketing . Digital marketing Bonus 👀 Importation and exportation Many people started life with the above business ideas and live to the fullest of...
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