
Showing posts from June, 2023

5 Important of building your personal brand in 2024/2025

As an entrepreneur or a business owner, building up your brand identity is essential,but most times,it's looks difficult to be done. Many businesses out there fall,not because they are not important to the society or valued, but,because they lack the knowledge of the important of building up their brands identity. People don't follow company instead they follow people, humans are inspired when they have personal relationship or communicate well with brands and those that care about their interest. Below are some important of building up your personal branding identity or brand identity: . 1. Serve as placing brands or business owners as authority : Personal branding helps business owners, entrepreneurs or brands gain opportunity of placing theirselves has expert in their field. There are lot of work in building up your identity as an entrepreneur or brand but the benefits or credibility varies. . 2 . Helps in building up great relationship with your audience or customers: For t...

How to make money online in 2023/2029

  Are you a student looking for a better means to make legit money online with just your smartphone from the comfort of your home? Are you a sit at home mum,looking for a better means of making money online with just data connection and your smartphone? Worry no more. Or Are you a civil servant,earning salary but looking for extra source of income? Worry no more,we got you covered.  History has proven that thousands of people uses the internet today and where there is people,money must be there.Only the social media platforms with over 1 million people,make use of social media today to earn money. Only Facebook may even take half of the number mentioned above. There are different digital skills that when you learn today,you can use them to make money even more than some bankers,yes,I said bankers. Let take it for example,do you know that some people are paid for just knowing how to communicate with others very well? Same here with the internet,any digital skills you practice t...

How to grow your TikTok account fast

 Growing your social media platforms may seem difficult for some reasons especially when you are just starting out with your online presence or building your personal brand. Social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, YouTube and even TikTok has benefited lot of businesses and brands in starting out with their online presence or improving their identity globally but sometimes may be highly difficult to reach your desire results. TikTok has taken over other social platforms in terms of video marketing.Brands and business,has been using video to express their identity and personality or, share their story with their audience through video creations. But ,due to social media platforms problems,sometimes, growing your social handles may seem difficult for most people who are just starting up with building their brands identity and visibility. Below are some skills you can use to grow your TikTok account very fast: How to grow your TikTok account fast Below are 8 step by st...

10 small business ideas to start in 2023/2030

Choosing a career in the business sectors may seem difficult for beginners or those just starting up business.In Nigeria for example,where,the eager or need for starting up a business is now highly recommend for citizens in the country.But choosing the right business may seem difficult for students or those just starting up.  There are lot of business ideas out there now in the year 2023-2030,that can make you live the life of your choice and feel free to enjoy the free gift of life which is the right to choose when to work and where to be. Below are 10 best business ideas for you in 2023/2030 ; . Affiliate marketing: According to Forbes, affiliate marketing is a business model whereby,it's members,earn commission from promoting a product or services not created by him or her.As an affiliate marketer,you earn huge amount of commission depending on the products been promoted.For you to succeed in affiliate marketing,you need to learn the basics of the business model or will we say, ...

Best Business ideas for 2023/2024

In Countries like Nigeria,where most of the citizens or individuals are poor,lot of people suffering mostly in the rural region of the country and some places in the urban too,yet, nothing has been done about its, though some of the government officials tried their best in some states in the country.More and more individuals are born each day and lot also die due to poverty,insecurity and more. In the northern part of the country,most of the immigrants live okay,even though there are still some that need help. But there is hope,but first, what can be done to solve this issues? Citizens of the nation should be aware of the important of owning a business of their own.The question now is,how can these information be spread? There are different means for the transmission of informations,which are :  . 1. The media: Informations are been transmit from different occasions through the media now,like the newspapers, television and radio channel  use if the social media which these ...