Why network marketing is the best business model or idea in 2025 and in history so far? In today’s world, a lot of people are looking for ways to work on their own terms, gaining financial freedom, and taping into new income streams. One business model that’s becoming more popular and relevant, especially with Gen Z, entrepreneurs, and public figures, is network marketing. If you are wondering what makes it such a hit, let’s break it down. So, What Exactly is Network Marketing? In simple terms, network marketing (also known as direct sales or multi-level marketing) is a business model where you sell products or services and, on top of that, build a team of people who also sell the same things. What’s unique about it is that you earn commissions not just from your own sales, but also from the sales your team members make. It’s like building your own little business network. What makes it attractive to many is that getting started usually doesn’t require a huge upfront inves...
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